hace 3 Meses 35

Customer Services Agent SD

Agent description:

We are looking for a person to help solar panel sellers, offering advice through a chart plan or program that shows how and where the panels would be best placed, measurements and other features.

Professional English proficiency is required, both in writing and speaking. You need to spell English words correctly.

Key prerequisites:

Identify the characteristics of the solar panels that will be displayed.
Create a chart showing the different solar diaphragms.
Tag each chart with the characteristics of the soral panels you want to display.
Make sure the graph is clear and easy to read.
Present the chart to the seller and discuss the results with him.
Employment Details:
Salary: RD$40,000
Schedule: 8:00 AM to 5:00 pm or 11:00 am to 8:00 PM
Monday through Friday are considered working days (public holidays are considered weekdays).
Location:  Av. churchil near corner Gustabo Mejia Ricard

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